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Friday, January 31, 2020

Comparative study of Tennyson and Browning

#comparative study on Alfred Lord       Tennyson and Robert Browning :

Hello reader! 

        Here, is my blog on comparative study on two gigantic poetic personalities of the Victorian period, Alfred Lord Tennyson and Robert Browning, as a task given by Hariyani Vaidehima'am, so let's see..... 

        The period from 1832 to 1901 is known as the age of victoria period. During this period Queen Victoria developed much literary forms. So this age in English literature is known as the 'Victorian age'. During this period many great writers gave their best contribution to English age. Tennyson and Browning are the prominent poet of the age. 

# comparison between Alfred Lord Tennyson and Robert Browning :

      Comparison is not a novel phenomenon in life and literature. Since his advent on earth, man has been comparing different things. In literature, it has long been recognized as a helpful method of evaluating different works of art, and a manner of estimating literary figures. The importance of comparison cannot therefore, be denied but it poses a great problem when the objects compared are poles apart. The same difficulty had been faced while comparing Alfred Lord Tennyson and Robert Browning, the two gigantic poetic personalities of the Victorian period. 

   Robert Browning 

  • Robert Browning (7 May 1812 - 12 December 1889) was an English poet and playwright whose mastery of the dramatic monologue made him one of the foremost Victorian poets.
  • His poems are known for their irony,characterization,dark humour, social commentary,historical settings, and syntax.
  • Browning's early career began promisingly, but was not success.
  • His reputation took more than a decade to recover, during which time the he moved away from the Shelleyan forms of his early period and developed a more personal style.
  • The collection Dramatis personae and the book length epic poem The Ring and The Book followed,and made him a leading British poet.
  • When Browning died in 1889,he was regarded as a sage and philosopher-poet who through his writing had made contributions to Victorian social and political discourse.

Alfred Tennyson

  • Alfred Tennyson (6 August 1809-6 October 1892) was poet Laureate of Great Britain and Ireland during much of Queen Victoria's reign and remains one of the most popular British poets
  • Tennyson excelled at penning short lyrics, such as " Break, Break, Break","The charge of the Light Bridge","Tears,Idle Tears",and "Crossing the Bar".
  • Much of his verse was based classical mythological Themes, such as Ulysses.
  • A number of phrases from Tennyson's work have become commonplaces of the English language , Including "Nature, red in tooth and claw","It's better to have loved and lost /Than never to have loved at all"
  • He is the ninth most frequently qouted writer in the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.

# Differentiate The Victorian Era and Romantic Era, How they are difference

  Victorian Era 

  • In the history of the United Kingdom, the Victorian era was the period of Queen Victoria's reign,from 20 June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901.
  • Revival of the style of medieval romances, and the influence of Header ,Schiller,Goethe.
  • In Victorian era there were used Neoclassical style, Romantic themes,Deep sense of mystery and wonder, passion, imagination as well as  emphasis on originality and inspiration.
  • There were some famous works like:
  1. The castle of Indolence(1748)
  2.  The Progress of Poesy (1757)
  3. The Bard (1757)
  4. The Task (1785)
  5. The Castaway (1799)
  6. Song of Innocence (1789)          
  • Dark Themes of hysterical passions, revenge, murder, Medieval settings, Medieval castle, dungeons, sliding panels, etc supernatural elements.

  Romantic Era

  • Romantic Era  was an artistic, literary, musical, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe toward the end of the 18th century, and in most areas was at its peak in the approximate period from 1800 to 1850.
  •  Experimentation with poetic Form.
  • The Romantics had a huge crush on nature. These guys loved trees,flowers,mountains,clouds, crags, name it.As long as it was outdoors,they loved it.
  • Ruins and Relics of the Ancient Past,Rebellion,Heroism,Emotion,Sense and Sensibility, Sublime is also the characteristics of this age.
  • The French Revolution and The Industrial Revolution also play a huge role in this age.

# Difference between Charles Dickens and George Eliot

Charles Dickens 

  • Charles Dickens was an English Writer and social critics. He created some of the World's best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era.
  • Dickens enjoyed a wider popularity during his lifetime than had any previous author. Much in his work could appeal to the simple and the sophisticated,to the poor and to the queen, and technological developments as well as the qualities of his work enabled his fame to spread worldwide very quickly.
  • The most abundantly comic of English author, he was much more than a great entertainer.The range,compassion,and intelligence of his apprehension of his society and its shortcoming enriched his novel.

George Eliot

  • Mary Ann Evans, known by her pen name George Eliot,was English novelist,poet,Journalist, translator and one of the leading writers of the Victorian Era.
  • Her character and her descriptions of English rular life. 
  • Her major works included:

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Derrida and Deconstruction

#Thinking activity : Derrida and             Deconstruction

Hello readers!

 This blog is based on Derrida and Deconstruction as task given by Dr. Dilip Barad sir, so, let's see.. 

What is Deconstruction? 

Jacques Derrida
     Example as a strategy "Rules for reading, interpretation and writing "


  Deconstruction is an approach to understanding the relationship between text and meaning. It was originated by the philosopher Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), whose approach consisted of conducting readings of texts looking for things that run counter to its intended meaning or structural unity. The purpose of deconstruction is to show that the usage of language in a give text, and language as a whole, are irreducibly complex, unstable, or impossible. Throughout his readings, Derrida hoped to show deconstruction at work. 

Jacques Derrida:

 Jacques Derrida was an Algerian. Born French philosopher best known for developing a form of semiotic analysis known as deconstruction, which he discussed in numerous text, and developed in the context of phenomenology. He is one of the major figures associated with post-structuralism and postmodern philosophy. 

    "Deconstruction" literally means "to take something apart".when applied to tropes or other aspects of fiction, deconstruction means to take apart a trope so as to better understand its meaning and relevance to us in Real life. This often means pursuing a tropes inherent contradictions and the difference between how  the trope appears in this one work and how it compares to other relevant tropes or ideas both in fiction and Real life. The simplest and most common method of applying deconstruction to tropes in fiction among general audiences and fan bases, the method most relevant to TV Tropes, takes the form of questioning " How would this tropes play out with Real Life consequences applied to it? " Or "what would cause this trope to appear  in Real Life? "

   Here I would like mention one advertisement.

  1.   By showing this advertisement generally we can assumed that, this advertisement is about the little boy who is very much eager and curious about something like he want's to explore something by the sign of MAP, which signifies that he want to travel as well as freedom ( eloped from home) . also he want to find one destination through the map,and when he stand up along with map in front of POLIZEI ( police station) that shows his final goal is explore police station. But we have the question why police station? What is his problem? And at the end of advertisement in the police station he says ' I am lost', and the policeman said that ' it's gonna a last time' " Right? " And he drop him through car and the little boy feel happy and satisfaction in car, but it's focus on symbol of Mercedes car by that we can know that what the advertisement is about the Mercedes car, not anything else right? 
    But, in this advertisement why child is used for car's advertisement. Because majorly this product is buying by youger. 
Thank you... 

Friday, January 10, 2020

Thinking activity on structuralism


Hello readers!

      This blog is the part of thinking activity on structuralism given by Dr. Dilip Barad sir. here our task is that ,Being structuralist critic, how would you analyse literary text or Film? You can elect any image or TV serials or Film or literary text or advertisement. apply structuralist method and post your write up on your blog.

Before direct going on this let's briefly discuss about Gerard Genette.

    Gerard Genette born on 1930 was French literary theorist ,assosiated in particular with the structuralist movement he was best known in English through the section, " Narrative discourse:an essay on method".

      In literary theory, structuralism is an approach to analyzing the narrative material by examining the underlying invariant structure.For example,a literary critic applying a structuralist literary theory might say that the authors of west side story did not write anythign "really" new,because their work has the same structure as Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

What do structuralist critics do?

1. They means (mainly) prose narratives,relating the text to some larger containing structure,such as:
(a) the conventions of a particular literary genre,or
(b) a network of intertextual connections,or
(c) a projected model of an underlying universal narrative structure,or
(d) a notion of narrative as a complex of recurrent patterns or motifs.

2. They interpret literature in terms of a range underlying parallels with the structures of language,as described by modern linguistics. For instance,the notion of the 'mytheme', posited by Levi-Strauss,denoting the minimal units of narrative 'sense',is formed on the analogy of the morpheme is the 'ed' added to a verb to denote the past tense.

3.They apply the concept of systematic patterning and structuring to the whole field of Western culture,and across cultures, treating as 'systems of signs' anything from Ancient Greek myths to brands of soap powder

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Thinking Activity on Northrop Frye

Thinking Activity: Northrop Frye

Hello readers! 

    This blog on thinking activity on Northrop Frye' s essay The Archetypes of Literature given by Dr. Dilip Barad, as a part of our syllabus. By this thinking activity we would be known more and deep about this essay especially 'Archetypes of Literature' here is my response to some questions which is given by sir as a assignment submission.

     The Archetypes of Literature (1950) :

                 - Northrop Frye

         Herman Northrop Frye was a Canadian  literary critic and literary theorist, considered one of the most influential of the 20th century.

  •   What is Archetypal criticism? What does the archetypal critic do? 
    In literary criticism the term 'archetype' denote recurrent narratives design, pattern of action, character- types, themes, and images which are identifiable in a wide variety of works of literature, as well as in myths, dreams, and even social rituals.such recurrent items are held to be the result of elemental and universal forms or patterns in the  human psyche,whose effective embodiment in a literary work evokes a profound response from the attentive readers,because he or she shares the psychic archetypes expressed by the psychic archetypes expressed by the author.

  • what is Frye trying to prove by giving an analogy of "Physics to Nature"&"Criticism to Literature"?
      Northrop Frye has given a very unique idea of Archetypal Criticism by comparing the human emotions or human characteristics with the cycle of seasons.

     Each season is aligned with a literary genre:-

  1. Comedy with SPRING
  2. Romance with SUMMER
  3. Tragedy  with AUTUMN
  4. Satire with WINTER  

 The spring season represent the comedy. As per the genre of comedy is characterized by birth of the hero ,revival,&resurrection.Spring also symbolizes the defeat of winter&darkness.


The season of summer indicates Romance because summer is the culmination of life in the seasonal calendar,& the Romance genre with some shot of triumph ,usually marriage.


 Autumn season signify the genre of Tragedy.As the autumn is the dying stage of the seasonal calendar that's why the Autumn is parallels to the genre of Tragedy is known for the fall on demise of the protagonist.


The season of  winter denotes the satire genre because of it's darkness.It's a disillusion & mocking from of the three other genre.It is notes for its darkness,dissolution,the return of chaos&the defeat of heroic figure.

  • Briefly explain inductive method with illustration of shakespeare's Hamlet's Grave digger's scene.
   Northrop Frye gave his view by strtuctural criticism,and it will help the reader to better understanding of literary work,he proceeds inductive method that is lead towards specific examples or activities to  generalization.
      here for that best example is Grave digger's scene from Shakespeare's play Hamlet, in this scene we can find out that this two gravediggers they have no effect of death,because of this is their rutin work,so they have enjoy even this type of work also by commenting or guess that death person's profession according to their that scene we can go to specific to general that some situation and work is adequate on that place not all assumption of people is are true.these two gravedigger suggest a lot.

  • Briefly explain deductive method with reference to an analogy to Music,Painting, rhythm and pattern.give example of the outcome of deductive method.
    while in deductive method lead from general to specific.Music and Rhythm both are the form of an art. music is form of art which moves in time and painting moves/present in space. When we talk about rhythm than in music there is go through particular rhythm while in painting there is pattern which is also in some kind of rhythm. When we goes on literature, it's made up of word. Sound of words it form of pattern, pattern has a meaning simultaneously narrative has rhythm.
  By listen and seen for to see the whole picture or totality to go far.
   Myth is archetype but it comes in narrative archetype. So it comes with speaking of significance.

Religion and God

  As we know that religion and literature is strongly connected with each other, and our country India is also known as land of dharma (country of religion).

   What bleeds India today is a profound historical error. The error lies in our understanding of state and religion. Both as political concept and as historical entities. We have borrowed these terms from western European history and applied them unthinkingly to ourselves without acknowledging that what we today recognise as state and religion actually evolved very differently in India.

    This is the reason why for literary critic it is difficult to believed in God in the same fashion as others believe..... Religion is nothing but a narrative and God is just a character in the narrative. For example the character Sita is portrait totally different than ancient portrait sita. Here Sita is identified as "Mithilani Virangana" and muscular, she can protect herself as well as her kingdom, Mithila, not like in ancient portrait Sita, who is dependent on others.

 To understand more deeply about this article we can take help of movie as a part of literature.

  Here I would like to mention one  clip of P.K. movie, which is help to understand how religion and God work in our life(even whole earth) and it is kind of business, and this is only we can see from alien's perspective because we are also the part of this swirl and chain.

  And also I would like to mention one video clip of OMG movie, which shows, how to be intellectual through the character of Kanji Malli Mehta, he was truly intellectual person.

Thank you....