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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

David Crystal's views on English language teaching

 Thinking Activity

Hello Readers! 

  Welcome to my blog here I am going to write about the views of David Crystal in English language and English language teaching. So let's see. 

#David Crystal

David Crystal, OBE, FBA, FLSW, FCIL is a British linguist, academic, and author. 

David Cystal : The Effect of New Technologies on English

The Effect of New Technologies on English

      Now when new technology comes along it influences language it has to technology. Always has influenced language quite dramatically think of the technologies of the past printing arrives in the 15th century suddenly we have new varieties of English that weren't there before new varieties of any language of course but we're talking about English today we have newspapers eventually and look at the style of a newspaper with its headlines and all the cartoons and the captions and the editorials and all the things you now know about a newspaper once a time there. 

    The web nobody blogged before about 2003. Facebook 2004 only Facebook has not been here  forever only 2004 YouTube 2005. Twitter 2006.

  Technologies developing into new styles of English now each of these internet outputs that he was talk about has a distinctive English style or any language style. Blogging or Facebooking or twitting and so on. The technologies influence the language in quite specific ways. 

  The English language today is not the same it was 20 years  ago that's rubbish : the English language today is almost identical with what it was 20 years ago, know there new abbreviations that have come into text messaging like lol you know lol  you know things like this but  this is cool stuff but there isn't very much like that this is tiny fraction of the English language the vast majority of English is exactly the same today as it was 20 years ago in a hundred years time maybe there will be a lot of influence from the internet but at the moment it's pretty stable so should authority figures be worried about texting and Facebook and social media or should they just be encouraged to see it as a temporary phenomenon which does not affect the basic.  

David Crystal: The Effect of New Technologies on Engish

  The Biggest challenges for Teachers

  The biggest challenge without a doubt it to keep pace with language change no question that is the difficulty always has been a difficulty with teaching but it's particularly a difficult now gives that language is changing so fast it's changing for two reasons one reason the internet which is indeed fostering new varieties and few experiences faster. 

Web 2.0 Tools for Teacher


Thinking Activity

Hello Readers! 

  Welcome to my blog, here I am going to present web 2.0 Tools for Teacher especially for English teacher like some of the web 2.0 tools useful in enhancing L-S-R-W Skills. So first of all,I think there would be need to discuss little bit bout what is Web 2.0, so let's begin! 

# Web 2.0 #

  Web tools are emerging all the time, many not originally intended for education, but which can be put to good use by students and teachers alike to extent opportunities, enhancing potential and develop the level of digital literacy that students will need for the 21st century. 

# Penzu

Penzu is a simple online tool for creating a personal journal

# Voxopop

 Voxopop is a web based audio tool that enable users to record their speaking for others to listen and respond to. 

# Listen and Write 

Listen and write is a dictation exercise creation tool. It has a large number of dictation and it's develop students ability to listen. 

# Dvolver Moviemaker

 Dvolver Moviemaker is a simple tool that enables you to create your own animated cartoons. 

# 280 Slides

280 Slides is a web based presentation tool similar to PowerPoint. It enables you to create presentations with a series of slides.


# Eyeplorer

Eyeplorer is a research and study tool built around Wikipedia. It enables students to search and cross reference terms in order to find and collate notes and references in preparation for writing assignments. 

# Wordle

Wordle is a simple tool that enables you to create colourful graphic representation of texts  ased on word occurrence from any given text. 

# The web 2.0 tolls useful in enhancing L-S-R-W Skills

  • Blog- text/audio/video
  • E- Group
  • Discussion Forums
  • Wikis
  • Social networking

History of CALL and MALL


 Thinking Activity

 Hello Readers !

      Welcome to my blog. here am going to a share brief history of  Computer Assisted Language learning-CALL  and also about Mobile Assisted Language Learning-MALL and also about my experience of using Mobile phone for learning. so lets begin !

# History of CALL 

Computer Assisted Language Learning : An Introduction

 Of course, this topic is with a special interest the area that how computers have been used and are being used for language teaching and the majority of language teachers must now begin to think the implications of computers for language learning.

Three Phases of CALL

CALL has developed gradually over the last 30 years, and this development can be categorized in terms of three distinct phases

1. Behavioristic CALL

2. Communicative CALL

3. Integrative CALL

# The emergence of CALL

 CALL that accomodates its changing nature is any process in which a learner uses a computer and, as a result, improves his or  her language. An awareness of this spectrum allows learners, teachers, and researchers to recognize appropriate materials and methodologies and adapt others to various teaching and learning styles. 

Term peripheral to CALL

CAI- Computer-aided instruction refers to learning at the computer, but not necessarily with a language focus. 

CAL- Computer-assisted learning similarly to CAI, CAL may refer to the learning of any subject using a computer. 

CALI- Computer- assisted Language Instruction, a term once commonly used in North America

CBT - Computer based Training tends to refer to leaning at the computer, but not necessarily with a language focus. 

CMC - Computer mediated Communication refers to a situation in which computer based discussion may take place but without necessarily involving learning. 

WELL - Web Enhanced Language Learning refers to CALL that focuses on the WWW as the medium for instruction. 

# Technology driving CALL

 In the last four decades, CALL materials have gone from an emphasis on basic textural gap- filling tasks and simple programming exercises to interactive multimedia presentation with sound, animation and full- motion video. 

Multimedia and speech recognition capabilities have attempted to extend the traditional reading and listening foci of CALL to include writing and speaking activities too. Each of these skills place in CALL continues to develop with the technology. 

# The Changing focus of research in CALL

  One area of declining interest includes studies which focus on the need for computers in the classroom. Another area of less interest are those studies that attempt to make direct comparisons between CALL and traditional learning in terms of effectiveness. 

# CALL in the 1950s and 1960s

  The first computers used for language learning were large 1950s' mainframes that were only available at research facilities on university campuses. These presented particular organizational problems as learners had to leave the classroom and travel to a computer, or at least to a computer terminal, for instruction. 

  Machine translation is the application of computers to the task of translating texts from one natural language to another. The task is made difficult by the impreciseness of language and the use of sarcasm, puns, innuendo, idiomatic expressions and rhetorical devices. In many of these projects, Cold War (1945-91) political motivations may have been involved in funding. The first CALL programs created at three pioneering institutions: Stanford University, Dartmouth University and the University of Essex. 

MALL- Mobile Assisted Language Learning

     A review of mobile learning projects funded by the European Union since 2001 confirm Ws that mobile phones are the most frequently device in these project. 

# what is mobile learning? 

 Mobile learning is undergoing rapid evolution. Early generations of mobile learning projects tended to propose formally- designed activities, carefully crafted by educators and technologists, and using emerging technologies that are not yet widely accessible or well understood. Current widespread ownership of mobile and wireless devices means that learners are increasingly in a position to take the lead and engage in activities motivated by their personal needs and circumstances of use, including those arising from greater mobility and travel. 

Mobile learning involves the use of any portable learning materials, so includes books, audio-cassettes, audio-CD, and portable radios and DVD players, for example, m- learning usually concentrates on the most recent technologies. 

Mobile learning can perhaps be defined as 'any educational provision where the sole or dominant technologies are handheld or palmtop devices'. 

# Mobile phones

 Mobile learning in general, the majority of MALL activities appear to make use of mobile phone. Although Collins outlines very clearly how much activities could take advantages of what these devices offer, the most frequent seem to seem to employ text messaging for vocabulary learning. such approaches support teacher- learner communication and use the mobile device to deliver content rather than encouraging learners to communicate with each other.

# My experience of using Mobile phone for learning 

     If i share my experience of using mobile phone for learning then i have vast experience, in my academic world now i am able to use mobile phone for learning process, for example using google classroom to attend my academic task or online couse like MOOC , online unite test, or using slide share for preparing presentation or uploading presentation videos on youtube, writting blog, using G-mail, Flint learning and so on.

thank you 

Monday, January 11, 2021

Summarize thoughts expressed by the speakers in the videos and message


Thinking Activity

Hello Readers! 

Welcome to my blog, here in this blog I am going to summarize the thoughts, which is expressed by the speakers in the videos, you can watch this videos by click here an visit the blog. And also what is the main message that you take into consideration in context of technology in education general as well as in particular in English language teaching. So let's begin...

Video - 1 

Sir Ken Robinson: changing paradigm

   He start by saying that, every country on earth, at the moment, is reforming public education. There are two for it

# Economic


Economic, how do we educate our children to take their place in the economic of the 21st century

Culture, every country on earth is trying to figure out how do we educate our children so they have a sense of cultural identity and so that we can pass on the cultural genes of our communities being part of the process of globalization have you square that circle. 

  When we went to school we were kept there with a story which is have you that worked hard and did well and got a college degree you would have a job. Kids don't believe that and they're right not to by the way you're better having a degree than not but it's not a guarantee anymore and particularly not if the route to it marginalized most the things that you think are important. 

  The problem is that the current system education was designed and conceived and structure for a different age it was conceived in the intellectual culture of the enlightenment and in the economic circumstances of the industrial revolution before the mid of the 19th century they were no systems of public education. The public education is compulsory is revolutionary idea. But for working class children they are incapable to go public education. 

# Fictious epidemic

  If we think of it arts and don't say this exclusive of the arts, think it's also true science and of maths for the learn Art is victim of this mentality currently particular. 

Video: 2

Sugata Mitra: school in the cloud SOLE

What is going to be the future of learning? 

Where did the kind of leaning we do in schools, where did it come from? 

   We can look back in past, but if we look at present day schooling the way it is, it's quite easy to figure out where it came from. It came from about 300 years ago, the biggest of the empire if on the planet without computers, a run the entire plannate without computers, without telephones, with data handwritten on pieces of paper, and travelling by ships. 

  But victoria, what they did was amazing they created a global computer, made up of people. It's today called the bureaucratic administrative machine, and another machine to produce those people. 

Video: 3

Sugata Mitra : Future of Learning

    School in the cloud

As his father suggest to meet person in Adler and he deside to do anything but whatever his father does. He teach same on black board as other do. And share the slum Delhi, he used to think he was trying to make rich people's children into good- quality programmers well. It's also a global problem. How many kids are we missing who might have changed the world if we know how to do it so. And he buy a computer and give it to them. 

Uruguay - in Uruguay there is no child in Uruguay who doesn't have a laptop small country. 

Video- 4

How we can go further

In this video he prefer, on experience with his cousin who prefer you tube video rather than his direct teaching

  He said that if Isaac Newton had done You tube videos on calculus then. By using videos they can pause, repeat at their own place, at their own time. But the more interesting thing and this is the unintuitive thing. 


Marc Prensky : Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

 Radically today's students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach today's students have not just changed incrementally from those of the past nor simply change their clothes, body adornment or style as has happened between generations previously a really big discontiment has taken place on e might even call it a singularity an event which changes things so fundamentally that there is absolutely no going back this so called singularity is the arrival and rapid dissemination of digital technology in the just decades of 20th century. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

What shall teachers do so that they are not replaceable by technology


#Thinking Activity

# Small write-up

# What shall teachers do so that they are not replaceable by technology

Hello readers! 

  As we know that Corona epidemic is affect each and every step, especially in academic world because after the corona epidemic the world became  more dependent on technology, and the teaching ongoing by the use of technology (online). And suddenly we have question again became worth to interpret that, can the technology replace the teacher? Here is blog link of Dr. Dilip Barad sir, click here to go deep. 

   So here our main task is that, small write-up on "What shall teachers do so that they are not replaceable by technology? "

   Of course through net surfing or google we can get or learn anything, which we what, even some time better than teacher teach in our class room. Even we have multiple way to learn through technology, then why still we have need the teacher?, and we can answer with multiple way. 

   In 21st century the development of science and technology is can be considered as an excellent. And the artificial intelligence is also play a vital role. Everyone can get easily whatever they want to learn without time limit, for example virtual assistant cortana or many others, and we have to find out what should be different or plus point in teacher, which may not in technology. Of course one major point is that the technology only can present the information and the teacher can connect the dots, which can't be by technology, this is one major point to ponder, and by that the teacher can't be replaced by technology.