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Monday, January 11, 2021

Summarize thoughts expressed by the speakers in the videos and message


Thinking Activity

Hello Readers! 

Welcome to my blog, here in this blog I am going to summarize the thoughts, which is expressed by the speakers in the videos, you can watch this videos by click here an visit the blog. And also what is the main message that you take into consideration in context of technology in education general as well as in particular in English language teaching. So let's begin...

Video - 1 

Sir Ken Robinson: changing paradigm

   He start by saying that, every country on earth, at the moment, is reforming public education. There are two for it

# Economic


Economic, how do we educate our children to take their place in the economic of the 21st century

Culture, every country on earth is trying to figure out how do we educate our children so they have a sense of cultural identity and so that we can pass on the cultural genes of our communities being part of the process of globalization have you square that circle. 

  When we went to school we were kept there with a story which is have you that worked hard and did well and got a college degree you would have a job. Kids don't believe that and they're right not to by the way you're better having a degree than not but it's not a guarantee anymore and particularly not if the route to it marginalized most the things that you think are important. 

  The problem is that the current system education was designed and conceived and structure for a different age it was conceived in the intellectual culture of the enlightenment and in the economic circumstances of the industrial revolution before the mid of the 19th century they were no systems of public education. The public education is compulsory is revolutionary idea. But for working class children they are incapable to go public education. 

# Fictious epidemic

  If we think of it arts and don't say this exclusive of the arts, think it's also true science and of maths for the learn Art is victim of this mentality currently particular. 

Video: 2

Sugata Mitra: school in the cloud SOLE

What is going to be the future of learning? 

Where did the kind of leaning we do in schools, where did it come from? 

   We can look back in past, but if we look at present day schooling the way it is, it's quite easy to figure out where it came from. It came from about 300 years ago, the biggest of the empire if on the planet without computers, a run the entire plannate without computers, without telephones, with data handwritten on pieces of paper, and travelling by ships. 

  But victoria, what they did was amazing they created a global computer, made up of people. It's today called the bureaucratic administrative machine, and another machine to produce those people. 

Video: 3

Sugata Mitra : Future of Learning

    School in the cloud

As his father suggest to meet person in Adler and he deside to do anything but whatever his father does. He teach same on black board as other do. And share the slum Delhi, he used to think he was trying to make rich people's children into good- quality programmers well. It's also a global problem. How many kids are we missing who might have changed the world if we know how to do it so. And he buy a computer and give it to them. 

Uruguay - in Uruguay there is no child in Uruguay who doesn't have a laptop small country. 

Video- 4

How we can go further

In this video he prefer, on experience with his cousin who prefer you tube video rather than his direct teaching

  He said that if Isaac Newton had done You tube videos on calculus then. By using videos they can pause, repeat at their own place, at their own time. But the more interesting thing and this is the unintuitive thing. 


Marc Prensky : Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

 Radically today's students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach today's students have not just changed incrementally from those of the past nor simply change their clothes, body adornment or style as has happened between generations previously a really big discontiment has taken place on e might even call it a singularity an event which changes things so fundamentally that there is absolutely no going back this so called singularity is the arrival and rapid dissemination of digital technology in the just decades of 20th century. 

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