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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

To The Lighthouse


#Movie Screening: To The Lighthouse

Hello readers! 

   Here, I am going to present my frame study of the movie screening "To The Lighthouse", it's also a part of our class room activity. 

Author: Virginia Woolf


Adeline Virginia Woolf Stephen; 25 January 1882- 28 March 1941) was an English writer, considered one of the most important modernist 20th century authors and also a pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative device.

#Brief introduction of 'To The Lighthouse':

  To the lighthouse is a 1927 novel by Virginia Woolf. The novel centres on the Ramsay family and their visits to the Isle of Skye in Scotland between 1910 and 1920.

Frame study


 The very first frame is a fade out there is a dark screen and the very first frame, that come out before our eyes it is about candles or some toys there are those dolls and it's open with without any dialogue, it was with the sentence spoken by Mrs Ramsey and this is opening with this now this itself making a huge statement, about candle or the dark shade or the toys there and there is how it moves. 


   In this frame, we can see that a little boy looking at something in a distant, there now here we can capture, that this is must be James or watching at lighthouse that is what, If we have not read the novel line by line then it's difficult to understand deeply. 

The Frame of dinner table, In the novel there is one dinner only, but in the film they are many times sitting on the dinner table morning afternoon or evening and in the background there is some kind of noise of little boy James, and Mrs Ramsey became nervous by his naughtiness. 

 Attachment the Edipus attachment. Edipus complex in this film we can see very strongly, James attachment towards mother and hatred towards father, getting reflected in the part. 


 In this frame we can see that, Mr Ramsey talking about philosophy because he is philosopher so obviously the normal talk on dinner table or whenever they talk all about philosophy deeply engrossed in kind of a thing so they talk about philosophy as such and here he is talking about F. H. Bradley's philosophy appearance and reality. The talk is going on, here Virginia Woolf never talk about highly philosophy, but something very simple things that people use as per. 

High thinking 

 Virginia Woolf writing is kind of philosophical discourses earlier, the men used to control the kind of the philosophical discourse about those things Virginia Woolf is displaying an intellectual capacity, that even a woman may have which in her time was very difficult to prove or justify that are normally emotional beings, rationality is far away from woman in that time. When she makes a philosopher character there is a very interesting philosophy that also comes into this film. 

 Here in this frame, there is no dialogue, but it's speaks a lot. When we read the text we can understand what is this, we are with stream of consciousness of James and narrator, James is thinking this, James is so happy, all the sounds in and around are giving happiness adding to his all joy. 

  But, here in the film there is no language, there is nothing, just a frame, but the frame speaks lot many things, there is, the way he looks very sharpening and very angrily with that normal habit of eating the nails that itself is an act of revolt, because his father says never doing this but he doing as revolt, without any words the frame is captured. 

   The little girl breeding hart with thought of romantic or manly thought, which Mrs. Ramsey is trying to protect her daughter. She is nurturing by Mrs Ramsey but still she is quite anti Mrs Ramsey and this is very Automatical. 

The second frame is shows, what the daughter is looking, this is not Objective narrative, here the camera is now the eyes of little daughter, what we are seeing here is what the little girl is seeing, she is observing. Mrs.Ramsey has different treatment of son and daughter. we can also connect this frame with Indian context that, how the woman nurturing her children base on gender for girl and boy have different treatment instead of same, this clearly shows how the gender bias play a role as well as Mr. Ramsey also represent as an ideal Indian woman.  

  Here in this frame, Lilly's looking at sea and her thought. She looking at the sea that is a sea is treat with eternal life yet treaters with oblivion this is a very interesting philosophical observation that sea, sea is a symbol of something, where it is always moving or see is never silent so it is teaming with life it is full of life and also opposite of abyss ability to lead us into oblivion, if you get lost in the sea, you are lost in at the bottom of the sea oblivion. 

Philosophise " Time is slipping by time is sleeping "


Thank you....