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Saturday, June 5, 2021

Advertising Appeal : Celebrity Andorsement



The Mass Communication and media studies

Name : Virani Dhara R.

Course : M. A. English

Semester : 4

Roll No : 4

Submitted to: Smt. S. B. Gardi Department of English

Subject: The Mass communication and media studies

Topic: Advertising Appeal- Celebrity Endorsement

# Introduction

     Advertisers consistently seek strategies intended to attract consideration regarding their correspondence and to differentiate their brand from contending brands. There is commonly a deferral between advertisement presentation and the actual purchase, so the promotion-evoked outlook must withstand over time if they are to impact a buyer’s purchase conduct. 

What people love more than celebrities? It’s no secret that big corporations are willing to spend a lot of money in order to cut a deal with a celebrity. This way, they hope to become leaders in their industry. In order to have a better grasp on the topic, here are some examples of successful endorsements. 

   Advertisers, for the most part, rely on a celebrity’s immense appeal to produce more prominent brand acknowledgement and review, and also shape brand recognitions among buyers. At the point when a celebrity sets up with a brand, consumers have a tendency to join celebrity-related relationship into their current learning about the endorsed brand as an after effect of perceptual deduction components outfitted towards keeping up cognitive consistency implying that consumers, for the most part, feel what is valid for the celebrity must be valid for the brand. The constructive outcome of celebrity endorsers on essential marketing parameters, for example, recall and recognition, attitude towards the advertisement and brand assessments, may rely on the factors, such as, the credibility of the source. 

   Thus, the source credibility model arrests the three most prominent source effects on purchase intentions, brand attitudes and attitudes towards the advertisement. 

# Celebrity Endorsement:

Celebrity Endorsement refers to a marketing strategy whose purpose is to use one or multiple celebrities to advertise a specific product or service. The primary goal, in this case, is to reach a greater audience, represented by the celebrity's fan base. 

A celebrity is a distinguished identity who enjoys public acknowledgment by a large share of a specific group of individuals . To date, most scholarly research on celebrity endorser effectiveness have concentrated on endorser qualities or a match between a product and the endorser. The source credibility model of endorser effectiveness suggests that a celebrity usually has a prominent impact on attitude change. These attitude changes are important advertisement-effectiveness measures which are the attitude towards the brand, attitude towards the advertisement and purchase intention. 

#Celebrity Credibility and Brand Attitude

McCracken presented the use of celebrity with credibility by projecting an endorser as an effective catalyst for bringing meaning to the brand, as it is viewed that celebrity endorsers bring their own, symbolic meaning to the endorsement process. Hence, there must be a congruent relationship between celebrity and the endorsed brand.Existing studies provide a great support that in comparison to a brand endorsed by a low-credible endorser, a high-credible endorser will have noteworthy positive effect on consumers’ attitudes towards the advertisement and the brand . Celebrities are considered to help in recognizing the brand names and to create both a positive attitude and specific attribute for the brand. So, a celebrity with higher credibility may lead to a favourable impact on the consumers’ attitude towards the advertised brand.

Celebrity Credibility and Purchase Intention

Past studies have revealed that the presence of a celebrity in an advertisement generates higher purchase intentions consumers are likely to have a greater purchase intention when endorser credibility is very high. When credible sources are used as endorsers in advertisements then it can influence convictions, assessments, attitudes and/or behaviours of a consumer and the consumer can be motivated to accept the impact (information) as accurate and use it . It has been contemplated that a positive brand personality ensures an increase in purchase intention and can administer a ground for differentiating products. Consumers sometimes purchase a product only because they appreciate a specific celebrity supporting the product. 

 Celebrity endorsements affect the market, and the connection between stock market value and celebrity endorsements has yielded a reasonably persistent return. It has been noted that a celebrity endorser has the competence to influence the utility of the endorsed product.The above discussion points that may be an endorsement by a celebrity with higher credibility positively influence higher purchase intention among the consumers.

Celebrity Credibility and Advertisement Attitude

Spokespersons credibility positively impact the consumer’s attitude towards advertisement, and using a popular celebrity as an endorser advertisements featuring celebrities consistently generate more positive impact than the non-celebrity advertisements . This not only makes the endorsement animated, alluring and interesting but attention-getting as well . Among the main rationale for the use of celebrity endorsements are that celebrities make the advertisements more credible and strengthen consumer perception . So it may be suggested that endorsement featuring a celebrity with higher credibility leads to a favourable impact on the consumers’ attitude towards the advertisement.

Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention

The attitude toward the purchase intention is determined by the celebrity endorsement considerations, product Brand attitudes enhance purchase intentions among the consumers as their motivation gets increased. Clark and Horstmannl. suggest that in certain situations, celebrity endorsements can add to recall and consumer evaluation of the products.

Brand attitudes enhance purchase intentions among the consumers as their motivation gets increased. Clark and Horstmann  suggest that in certain situations, celebrity endorsements can add to recall and consumer evaluation of the products. A celebrity endorsement helps in building an existing brand evident or any new brand a noticeable brand by affecting consumers’ pre-purchase notion. It can enhance the effects of a particular product or induce sales of a long-standing product that needs a boost. Further, it has been noted in the ‘elaboration likelihood model’that brand purchase intention is a function of brand attitude. The ‘technology acceptance model’ , and the ‘Hierarchy of Effects Model’ also reinforce the view of brand attitude leading to purchase intention. The outcomes of these studies may indicate that consumers’ favourable attitude towards advertised brand leads to purchase intention.


Aaker, D. A. (1996). Measuring brand equity across products and markets. California Management Review, 38(3), 102120.

Agrawal, J., Kamakura, W. A. (1995). The economic worth of celebrity endorsers: An event study analysis. The Journal of Marketing, 59(3), 5662.

Amos, C., Holmes, G., Strutton, D. (2008). Exploring the relationship between celebrity endorser effects and advertising effectiveness: A quantitative synthesis of effect size. International Journal of Advertising, 27(2), 209234.

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