# Thinking Activity
Hello readers!
Welcome to my blog, here I would like to present about validity and reliability of test as well as practicality of the test. Brief view point on backwash. And also about difference between assessment and evaluation and how can we define good assessment. So let's discuss....
#Validity and reliability of the test
The term validity refers to whether or not a test measure what it I tends to measure.
On a test with high validity the items will be closely linked to the test's intended focus. For many certification and licensure tests this means that the items will be highly related to a specific job or occupation. If a test has poor validity then it does not measure the job-related content and competencies it ought to.
There are several ways to estimate the validity of a test, including content validity, construct validity, criterion related validity and face validity.
- content: related to objectives and their sampling
- Construct: referring to the theory underlying the target
- Criterion: related to concrete criteria in the real world. It can be concurrent or predictive.
- Concurrent: correlating high with another measure already validated.
- Predictive: capable of anticipating some later measure.
- Face: related to the test overall appearance.
# Reliability
Reliability is the extent to which an experiment, test, or any measuring procedure shows the same result on repeated trials. Without the agreement of independent observers able to replicate research procedures, or the ability to use research tools and procedures that produce consistent measurements, researchers would be unable to satisfactorily draw conclusions, formulate theories, or make claims about the generalizability of their research. For researchers, four key types of reliability are...
- Equivalency: related to the co-occurrence of two items.
- Stability: related to time consistency.
- Internal: related to the instruments
- Inter-rater: related to the examiner's criterion
- Intra-rater: related to the examiners criterion
# Practicality of test
# Backwash
The way in which examinations influence teaching and learning is commonly describe as "washback" Or "backwash".
Definitions of backwash:
The notion of "backwash" is prevalent in language teaching and testing literature, but it is seldom found in dictionaries. Some writers used the term "washback" to describe the effects or influences brought by tests or examinations.
" The effect of testing on teaching and learning " Is known as backwash- Hughes
After reviewing definitions of washback, the term can be defined according to two major perspective: one at a micro level, and the other at a wider and more holistic view beyond the classroom at a macro level.
#Difference between assessment and evaluation
Assessment : Assessment focuses on learning, teaching and outcomes. it provides information for improving learning and teaching. assessement is an interactive process between students and faculy that informs faculty how well their students are learning what they are teaching.the information is used by faculty to make changes in the learning and study habits. this information is learner-centered, course based, frequently anonymous,and not graded.
Evaluation : Evaluation focuses on grades and may reflect classroom components other than cousecontent and mastery level. these could include discussion, cooperation, attendance,and verbal ability.
The table below summarizes key differences between assessment and evaluation.
#How do you define good assessment?
First of all the good assessment can be considered which is think about the Clear and Appropriate Learning Targets. WHAT do we
want to assess? What knowledge, skills, reasoning
ability, products, and habits of mind are essential for
student success? Do students understand what is
expected of them? Is the knowledge or skill that
students are expected to demonstrate in the assessment
influenced by cultural and linguistic factors?
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