Thinking Activity
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Welcome to my blog, here this blog is the part of academic study, the novel 'The white Tiger' by Arvind Adiga is the part of our syllabus, so we have had various discussion on this as well as movie screening of 'The White Tiger' which is recently released on Netflix. One another movie which is also help to understand some issue which is reflect in this novel. Our sir has already gave some points to ponder upon so, let's begin....
First of all we should have to start with the brief introduction of the novel 'The White Tiger' as well about the author Arvind Adiga.
# About the novel ' The White Tiger'
The White Tiger is the debut novel by Indian author Aravind Adiga. It was first published in 2008 and won the 40th Man Booker Prize in the same year.The novel provides a darkly humorous perspective of India's class struggle in a globalized world as told through a retrospective narration from Balram Halwai, a village boy. In detailing Balram's journey first to Delhi, where he works as a chauffeur to a rich landlord, and then to Bangalore, the place to which he flees after killing his master and stealing his money, the novel examines issues of the Hindu religion, caste, loyalty, corruption and poverty in India.Ultimately, Balram transcends his sweet-maker caste and becomes a successful entrepreneur, establishing his own taxi service. In a nation proudly shedding a history of poverty and underdevelopment, he represents, as he himself says, "tomorrow."
# Author: Arvind Adiga

# The India represented in the novel The White Tiger :
Yes, I am agree that, we can see the image of India or the represention of India in this novel, there were to types of class rich and poor, poor class people have not opportunity, which rich people already have, this is very true which is represented in this novel for example protagonist of this novel Balram halwai, who is already in poor class, can't even get schooling even he got scholarship to go in Delhi for further education, because of family condition not well his father have not money to pay political leaders of their village. While on the another side the political leader's son Mr. Ashok, who has all the ways, he can do whatever he want but can't use it. So we can said that in India there are many people who still suffer from poverty, and can't do whatever they what because of financial problems.
The situation of village in this novel also represented the india, the india, of course not in the developed countries, but still the situation of village life is also depicted alot like join family, where one of the member can't take decision if individual as represented by Balram, he want to became driver of Mr. Ashok, for this he has to take permission of his granny ma for this with a bunch of promises, this is also a part of join family in India about dependency. While, if we discuss about the image of indian village, there were no facilities for villagers like communing system, there were no vehicle in good number, of this is not only one problem, there is so many facilities which the normally villagers can't get.
The political leaders in this novel represented the image of India. Political leaders in this novel remains in power power position. There were not any government officer or employees to handle the village well but I stead of that there is only political leaders to handle the village and they are treated villagers not well. They behaves likes they are in power positions, and that's perhaps true that the Indian society has required good authorities to developed villagers and village areas not political leaders.
# Do you believe that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of 'rags to riches'
Yes, I believe that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of ' rags to riches', because it's whole story is based on this how he was poor or came from poor background and at the very end of the novel he became the success entrepreneur and became rich person. From the very beginning of the novel, the protagonist of the novel Balram Halwai is came from poor background, Halwai means a sweet maker, even he can't complete his schooling because of poor financial condition of his family in addition the death of his father because of illness and not get hospital cure, this is also represent the poor background. In his futher journey still he is working as a driver an face many problems, and also in a trap of blame of killing the child on an accident, an he realized that this is not his secured life and he done murdered of his master and at the very end of the novel he became a success entrepreneur and we can see this novel as the story of an archetype of all stories of 'rags to reached.
# Review of the Netflix film adaption of 'The White Tiger'
Initial release: 13 January 2021
Screenplay: Ramin Bahrani
Producers: Priyanka Chopra , Ramin Bahrani, Mukul Deora, Ava DuVernay. Languages: Hindi, English
From the very beginning of the movie the first scene is very significant, initially we have to see on car driving scene and their normal talk, but also camera focus the statue of Gandhi and his March, so from the very beginning it's represent we gave to understand more by this, that not to be followers but be leaders. This is the first scene of the movie killing of child on road by Pinky ma'am.
But the whole movie is narrated by Balram as a success entrepreneur in banglore how he was blamed for killing the child even he is not driving at that time, this is done by Pinky ma'am as above frame he said this all things. How was his journey from poor/subaltern treatment to succeed entrepreneur.
The eyes of the world are watching as these two economics superpowers meets, and now he was also reach at top level of richness from poverty.
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